Pfirsichroter Sommerapfel


Malus domestica Borkh.

Thought to have originated in Thuringia, Germany. Described in the early 1800s. Fruits have firm, fine flesh with a sweet subacid, aromatic flavour.

Broskwiniowe letnie, Brzoskwiniowe letnie, Ferskenrodt Sommeracble, Ferskenrot Sommeraeble, Hedvabne Cervene Letni, Jenaer Rosenapfel, Persikerott Sommerapple, Persikovoe Letnee, Persikrott Sommarapple, Perzikrode Zomerappel, Pfirschenrothe Sommerrosenapfel, Pfirschenrother Sommer-Rosenapfel, Pfirschenrother Sommerrosenapfel, Pfirsich Rother Somerapfel, Pfirsichapfel, Pfirsichroter Sommer Apfel, Pfirsichroter Sommer Rosen, Pfirsichroter Sommer Rosenapfel, Pfirsichrother Sommer Rosenapfel, Pfirsichrother Sommer-Rosenapfel, Pfirsichrother Sommerapfel, Pomme d'Ete Rouge Carmin, Pomme d'Ete Rouge de Peche, Pomme d'Ete rougeur de Peche, Rott Sommarpersikapple, Rougeur de Peche, Roz de Vara, Sommer Rosenapfel, Sommer-Rosenapfel

Material available from the National Fruit Collection.

Father to:

Accession No.
1945 - 071   fingerprint   check_circle

Accession name
Pfirsichroter Sommerapfel

1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.
2. Smith, M. (1971) National Apple Register