Gene Pitney


Malus domestica Borkh.

Raised in 1962 at the request of one of Gene Pitney's fans, Miss Juliah Couper, at the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Havelock North, New Zealand. It was introduced in 1964. Fruits have firm, juicy flesh with a sweet flavour.

Material available from the National Fruit Collection.

Accession No.
1969 - 070   fingerprint   check_circle

Accession name
Gene Pitney

Flowering time
14th May 10% flowering
19th May Full (80%) flowering
25th May 90% petal fall

Picking time
mid october 1

1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.
2. Smith, M. (1971) National Apple Register