

Malus domestica Borkh.

Raised in Lafayette, Indiana, USA by three American Universities; Purdue, Rutgers and Illinois. Introduced in 1972. Its name was chosen to honour the wife of the president of Purdue University. Fruits are crisp and juicy with a perfumed flavour. Resistant to scab, mildew and fireblight.

Material available from the National Fruit Collection.

Accession No.
1974 - 179   fingerprint   check_circle

Accession name

Flowering time
12th May 10% flowering
16th May Full (80%) flowering
23rd May 90% petal fall

Picking time
mid october 1

1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.
2. Smith, M. (1971) National Apple Register