Mirabelle Herrenhauser

Dessert & Culinary plum

Prunus insititia L.

A chance seedling found in Herrenhausen, Germany. It was recorded in 1862. Received by the National Fruit Trials in 1951 from the Station de Recherches, Ghent, Belgium. Fruits have firm but little juicy flesh with a sweet, subacid and moderately rich flavour.

Material in the National Fruit Collection is available under license.

Accession No.
1951 - 084     check_circle

Accession name
Mirabelle Herrenhauser

Flowering time
19th April 10% flowering
24th April Full (80%) flowering
6th May 90% petal fall

Picking time
Mid-Late September 1

small 1

Dessert & Culinary 1

1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.