Culinary plum
Raised in 1906 by Laxton Bros. at Bedford and introduced in 1931. Fruits have golden yellow, firm, moderately juicy flesh with a little sweet, subacid flavour.
Availability Material in the National Fruit Collection is available under license.
Accession name Laxton's Cropper (EMLA)
Flowering time 15th April 10% flowering 19th April Full (80%) flowering29th April 90% petal fall
Picking time Early-Mid September 1
Size medium-large 1
Type Culinary 1
Shape Oval 1
Fruit Weight 35.00 g 1
Skin Colour Purple-red 1
Stalk Length 8.90 mm 1
Stone Freestone 1
References: 1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.