Culinary / Dessert apple
Malus domestica Borkh.
Thought to be Ukrainian. Known in the 1700s. Introduced to the UK in 1805. Fruits have firm, rather coarse, dry, acid flesh with very little flavour.
Albertin, Alexander the First, Alexander von Russland, Alexandre Empereur de Russie, Allbertin, Allerweltsapfel, Aport, Aport Aleksandr, Aport Alexander, Aport Krasnye, Aport Oseni, Aport Osennii, Aport Ukrainskii, Aporta, Aporta Nalifia, Aporta Nalivia, Aporte, Apporta, Aubertin, Beauty of Queen, Belle d'Orleans, Belle de Bruxelles, Calville Alexandre, Car Alexander, Car Alexandr, Car Alexandr, Cář Alexandr., Car-Alexndr, Comte Woronzoff, Corail, Count Woronzoff's Apple, Empereur Alexander, Empereur Alexandre, Empereur Alexandre 1er, Empereur Alexandre de Russie, Empereur Alexandre I, Empereur de Russie, Emperor, Emperor Alexander, English King, Fin d'Automne, Gotmanka?, Gotmanovka?, Graffenberg Rhoold, Grand Alexandre, Grand-Alexandre, Gros Alexandre, Gros-Alexandre, Gross Alexandre, Gusevskoe, Imperatore Alessandro, Jolly Gentleman, Kaiser Alexander, Kaiser Alexander von Russland, Keijser Alexander, Keizer Alexander, Kejser Alexander, Kief's Koy, Kiefs Koy, Kirkes Sondergleichen, Korallen, Korallen Apfel, Korallenapfel, Liebensteiner Korallenapfel, Marele Alexandru, Oport, Phoenix, Phoenix Apple, Phonix, Phonix Apple, Pomme Corail, Pomona Britannica, President Napoleon, Russian Emperor, Sander Czar, Stoke Tulip, Sugar and Cream, Tar Alexandar, The Alexander Apple, Wunder Apfel, Wunderapfel
Material available from the National Fruit Collection.
Material held in the Marcher Apple Network collections (Tredomen)
Mother to:
Maidstone Favourite
Wolf River
Prinz Albrecht von Preussen
Jeanne Hardy
large 2
Culinary / Dessert 2
Conical 2
75.00 mm 2
100.00 mm 2
weak 2
Ground Colour
Yellow 2
Over Colour
Red 2
soft 2
Flesh Colour
Yellowish 2
Accession name
Flowering time
5th May 10% flowering
10th May Full (80%) flowering
19th May 90% petal fall
Picking time
Mid September 1

1. NFC fruit (undated) Unpublished characterisation by staff at NFC, Brogdale.
2. Smith, M. (1971) National Apple Register